This morning, for some reason, I thought today was Monday. My scattered self ended up at the gym without my workout gear, so I left. Then on the way home I was pulled over for speeding. (This is kind of funny because people accuse me of driving like a little old lady.) My insurance card was expired. The insurance is current, but the card was not. Thankfully, that all worked out, and I’m off the hook. Then I stopped to gas up the car, only to realize I pulled up to the pump on the wrong side. I moved and ended up heading for the same pump as a young man in a truck. He waved me on. He was still waiting on a pump when I left. I said a quick prayer for him and wondered if his parents know what a nice young person they’ve raised. The phone rang, and a sweet lady asked me why I was late for my
Maybe today is a gift for the celebration of my patron Saint’s day, St. Therese. It is definitely a gift from God. I think I’ll go enjoy some more cat and me time. I hope your day has been a good one and if not, I pray tomorrow will be better!
The cat in the photo is one of our four! Her name is Daisy. :)
Now that's what I call grace! Not getting rattled after all that. Glad everything worked out.
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.
Hugs back at you :)
Thank God for grace ~ and you too for stopping by here!
Your cat Daisy, she is beautiful. Thank you for sharing this uplifting message.
I just love a good picture of a cat.
Nothing better than cat time. ;)
What an encouraging post......not to become rattled with all the mishaps. This is truly God's grace abounding. Blessings and hugs.
Thank you Vicki for visiting and commenting ~ Cats are fun!!! Hugs!
JBR ~ Amen!
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