I am finding it difficult to blog and write a column for examiner.com, so I've decided to make this blog mostly one of prayer. Every now and then, there may be a thought or quote thrown in.
I've prayed about this because I've thought about shutting the blog down. I pray for my readers, past, present and future, so the thought came to me, to ask what your needs are. I'm asking each of you to respond to the requests you see here with prayer too. In a sense we will all be praying for each other. For now, I'm making this post a general prayer request post. Later, maybe we can categorize special needs. If you need a prayer partner, please leave a comment with your prayer request. You don't have to leave your name or name people. God knows who we are all!
I'll start with a prayer intention.
God, our Father, please give peace and understanding to all who read these words. Give them eyes of faith, a heart of hope and the reality of Your love. Shower them with your grace, and keep your angels around them. Watch over those they love. Also Father, please grant special graces to those who have nobody to pray for them. Lead them in Your Spirit and light to their place in Your Kingdom through Jesus' most Sacred Heart. Amen
PLEASE REMEMBER I have comment moderation, so people who write ugly things won't be published. So far, it's been in Chinese only (the ugly comments), but that's why I have it. If your post takes awhile to show up, that is why.
Thank you Colleen. Much needed, because I don't know if this format is going to take off! :)
God bless you!
Please email me your Examiner link!
I work there also...I have two columns:
Harrisburg Homeschooling Examiner
Harrisburg Catholic News Examiner
I'd love to add your column to my favorites so that we are connected there and helping each other gain readers!
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