One constant in my readings lately has been water. In the Novena to The Divine Mercy, we read, “Today bring to Me all mankind, especially all sinners, and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy.” The book Divine Intimacy reads, “O Lord Jesus, O immense ocean, why do You wait to absorb this little drop of water in Your immensity? (St. Gertrude) And my last post touched on casting our nets, as St. Peter did into the water when directed by Our Lord.
As most of us are aware, water is life giving. Not only does it nourish us physically but also spiritually in the waters of baptism. Each time we walk past the holy water font, we dip our fingers and make the sign of the cross. This remembering of our baptismal promises in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is a powerful reminder of becoming more Christ like. And this is not just one moment as Christians; it is a life time conversion.
As most of us are aware, water is life giving. Not only does it nourish us physically but also spiritually in the waters of baptism. Each time we walk past the holy water font, we dip our fingers and make the sign of the cross. This remembering of our baptismal promises in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is a powerful reminder of becoming more Christ like. And this is not just one moment as Christians; it is a life time conversion.
Lord you supply the water of life, help us to remember to come frequently to the fountain of your Love to drink. Amen